Description | Present at the Council: The President, the Lord Brouncker; Sir Gilbert Talbot; Sir Robert Moray; Sir Paul Neile; Sit Theodore de Vaux; Dr Clark; Dr Jonathan Goddard; Mr Daniel Colwall; Mr Henry Oldenburg
Ordered that the Treasurer pay Thomas Willisell ten pounds more as part of the thirty pounds appointed him by the Council for one year.
Ordered that Mr Charles Howard, Dr Goddard, Dr Merret and Mr Hook, or any two or more of them meet and direct Thomas Willisell in his employment of further collecting such plants, fowl, fishes, and minerals, and in such parts of his Majesty's kingdoms as they shall think best for the use of the Royal Society. On his return Thomas Willisell to attend the President first, and receive orders from him about the collection he shall have then made.
Ordered that the President, Sir Robert Moray, Sir Theodore de Vaux, Dr Clark and Mr Oldenburg or any three or more of them be a Committee of the Council for auditing the accounts of the Treasurer of the Royal Society, and that they agree among themselves concerning the time and place of their meeting.
Ordered that Dr Merret be asked to send the collection made by Thomas Willisell in his first voyage to the Royal Society at their next meeting in Arundel House on 21 October 1669.
The President declared that the meetings of the Society should now begin again, and that therefore he intended to send out tickets to summon the Fellows to meet next on 21 October. Wording as follows; "These are to give notice that the Royal Society is to meet again on Thursday the 21st of this present month of October, in Arundel-house, at the usual hour, and thenceforth to continue as formerly. " |