Description | Present at the Council: The President, Lord Brouncker; Lord Vise Stafford; Mr Aerskine; Sir Robert Moray; Sir Paul Neile; Sir Theodore de Vaux; Dr Jonathan Goddard; Mr Daniel Colwall; Mr Henry Oldenburg
The President, Sir Theodore de Vaux, Dr Goddard, Dr Walter Needham, Mr Oldenburg were appointed a Committee fo Council for auditing the accounts fo the Treasurer.
The Council allowed Sir William Petty's account of 29 February 1671/2
Ordered the Treasurer pay all the salaries payable by the Royal Society quarterly till further order.
Ordered Ordered that what copies of Signor Malpighi's book 'De Formatione Pulli in Ovo' the Printer will notgive the author gratis, shall be paid for by the Society, who lately ordered thirty copies of it to be sent to Bononia for the author. |