Description | List the 13 Fellows present - Lord Brouncker, Sir Robert Moray, Mr Boyle, Sir Gilbert Talbot, Mr Aerskine, Mr Slingsby, Mr Balle, Mr Henshaw, Mr Evelyn, Dr Goddard, Mr Palmer, Mr Hill, Mr Oldenburg.
Mr Henshaw sworn a Member of the Council
Dr Bruce and Dr Balle (the first proposed by Sir Robert Moray, the second by his brother, Mr William Balle) were elected into the Society by the Council.
It was considered again who should be received as Fellows into the Society; the list unanimously resolved upon, to be published that day in the afternoon, at the meeting of the Society.
At the meeting of the same day in the afternoon, the Council resolved unanimously that all the persons in the following list be received, admittred and ordered to be registered Fellows of the Royal Society. List of 115 names, listed alphabetically
Voted for nine Fellows to be a Committee to consider and make report of the Statutes of the Society - Sir Robert Moray, Mr Boyle, Mr Slingsby, Dr Wilkins, Dr Goddard, Dr Ent, Mr Palmer, Mr Hill, Mr Oldenburg - and that any three or more of them to be a quorum.
Resolved that there shall be an Obligation to be subscribed by every Fellow of the Society.
Ordered that the Committee of the Council consider of the Obligation to be Subscribed by the Fellows of the Society.
Resolved that Sir William Persall, Dr Charleton, Mr Pell and Monsieur Le Febvre be dispensed with for their whole weekly payments: And Dr Wallis and Dr Christopher Wren, for the halfe thereof. Of these, Dr Charleton and Mr Pell had been formerly exempted from all payments, viz. Aug: 13 1662: and Dr Wallis and Dr Wren, from halfe, Dec: 3. 1662
Resolved that no person be registered Fellow of the Society, until he has subscribed such Obligation, as the Council shall agree upon. |