Description | Present at the Council: The President, Lord Brouncker; Sir John Lowther; Sir James Shaen; Sir William Petty; Sir Robert Southwell; Sir John Banks; Mr Thomas Henshaw; Dr Jonathan Goddard; Mr Daniel Colwall; Mr Abraham Hill; Mr Henry Oldenburg
Sir John Banks produced the conveyance of the £24 Fee Farm rents payable yearly from Lewes in Surrey.
Ordered that the £400 legacy from the Bishop of Chester to the Royal Society should be paid out to Sir John Banks for it, and that the President, Treasurer and Secretary bring with them next Thursday the three keys of the iron chest which contains the Society's money.
A draft of the letter to be sent to those that have not signed the new Bond whether in London or away from it was read, together with a copy of the printed Declaration. The time for an answer limited to those present in London was the 11 February, the time for those absent from London was a month from the date of the respective letters to them.
The Letter was agreed.
Ordered that the Amanuensis make a fair copy of this Letter first of all for the 45 persons listed.
The President stated he would make his discourse at the first meeting of the Society after their next recess.
Mr Pepys offered to make his the next week after.
Sir William Petty to make his the next after Mr Pepys.
Sir Robert Southwell took for his discourse the second week in April, as Mr Evelyn had done the first week in that month.
Mr Oldenburg asked the Council's licence to print Dr Wallis's discourse, made before the Society on the 12 November 1674, concerning 'Gravity and Gravitation grounded on Experimentall Observations'. Ordered it be printed.
Mentioned by the Secretary that Mr Newton had intimated his being in such circumstances that he desired to be excused from the weekly payments. Council agreed that he should have a dispensation as several others had. |