Description | Present at the Council: The President Lord Brouncker; Lord Bishop fo Chester; Mr Secretary Williamson; Sir Paul Neil; Sir John Banks; Sir Cyril Wiche; Sir Robert Southwwell; Dr Holder; Dr Pell; Mr Thomas Henshaw; Mr Daniel Colwall; Mr Milles; Dr Croon; Dr Crew; Mr Abraham Hill; Mr Henry Oldenburg
Motion from the President, that it might be considered how to provide a sufficient number of experiments for the weekly meetings of the Society, and to pitch upon such persons as might be depended on for exhibitiong them.
After debate, it was ordered that Sir John Banks, Dr Croon, Dr Grew, Mr Hill or any three or more of them (the Treasurer Mr Colwall to be one) and as many more of the Council as can to be a Committee. Committee to consider persons, members of the Royal Society, fit to entertain the Society at their weekly meetings with experiments and discourses upon them; to be left in writing in order to be registered. And having found such persons to offer them for every such experimenal exercise performed before the Society and delivered in writing, not exceeding the value of £4 besides the charges needed to make the respective experiments. This Committee to meet in the Societey's Repository on Thursdays at 3 of the clock and make a report of their progress to the Council.
Proposition presented by Mr Oldenburg from a person who would not be named concerning Chelsea College., namely this person desires a lease of the house and lands for 31 years at £30 a year or for 50 years at £35 a year, and in both cases to make the house tenantable with all convenient speed. The Council declared this was a fair proposition and they would appoint a Committe to discuss it.
Some of the Council moved that the Proposer might be obliged to not put the house to any other use than had already been named by the Secretary ('to practise Chimical Operations, to make a Phisick Garden, and a Repository for naturall Curiosities')without obtaining leave fromt he Council, otherwise the lease to be void.
A proposal was read for encouraging the Press of Oxford, recommended by Mr Secretary Williamson to the Council, namely to pitch upon some good book or books to be printed there at a reasonable rare, as sucvh time as 500 subscribers should have been obtained. Couoncil declared thty would like some books to be prined accordingoy and thereupon offer and rrecommend the paper produced to particular persons of their number, for subscriptions, adn to do the same to the body of the Society.
The Committee for managing the busins of the Repository reported on what they had done, namely removed the particulars out of the rooms where they had hitherto been, into the Gallery at the west end of Gresham College, and there arranded them in order, and that now it remained for the Council to order an Inventory or Catalogue to be made both of those Curiosities and the Books, and to appoint persons to have the custody of them.
Orderd Sir John Banks, Sir Cyril Wyche, Sir Jonas Moor, Mr Milles, Mr Daniel Colwall, Dr Croon, Dr Grew, Mr Hill to be a Committee to consider suitable persons to make an inventory or catalogue not only of the natural curiosities and books of the Royal Society but also of all the goods and chattels belonging to it, and to enter all those particulars into a book. Then to find a truly fit person to be keeper and to present the results to the Council.
The Treasurer moved, and it was so ordered, that henceforth he is not to pay any salary to any of the Officers of the Society without an Order from President
Mr Henshaw asked to borrow the manuscript of St Cyprian out of the Arundelian Library for the use of some learned friends, and he would engage himself by a note under his hand to return it. Mr Hook ordered to deliver the manuscripot to him upon a note to return the book safe and unharmed within six months. Order to be signed by the President.
The Philosophical Transactions No. 122 were licensed. |