Description | Present at the Council: the President, Lord Brouncker; Sir Paul Neil; Dr Croon; Dr Green; Mr Daniel Colwall; Mr ABraham Hill; Mr Henry Oldenburg
Ordered that Mr Martin, Printer to the Royal Society, is required ' to give notice in the next Philosophical Transactions to be printed of what this Council is informed he has declared, namely that the Tract called Lampas, made by Robert Hook Fellow of the Royal Society, and lately printed for John Martin Printer to the Society, to which is annexed a postscript reflecting on the said publisher of the Transactions, was printed without the leave and knowledge of the Council of the Royal Society and that the said Printer had seen nothing of the Postscript thereof before it was printed off, nor knew any ground for the aspersions contained therein. And in case the said Printer do refuse to obey this Order, that then the new Printer, wehich the President hath power to constitute in his roome, be required to signifie to the publick in Print, that Mr Martin wa removd for disobeying this Order of the Council '.
Ordered that Mr Colwall and the Secretary prepare for the next Council a list of those who have not yet sealed the Bond, nor pay their weekly contributions. |