Description | Present at the Council: Sir Joseph Williamson President; Sir John Lowther; Sir John Hoskins; Sir Paul Neile; Sir Christopher Wren; Sir Robert Southwell; Mr Charles Howard; Mr Thomas Henshaw; Mr Abraham Hill; Dr Holder; Dr Whistler; Dr King
Ordered that the former Committee be asked to visit Mr Boyle and ask his help in recovering the books and papers of the Society remaining in Mrs Lardens hands. That care be taken to have the oaths of Dr Pell and the Administratix made in Chancery that all the papers belonging to the Society have been delivered and that they know of none more.
The common letter to be sent to all the correspondents was read and ' allowed onely somwhat of returne for incouragement of the correspondents should be added.
The correspondents named were Malpighius, Hugenius, Justell, Carcanie, Slusius, Hevelius, P Lana, Bullialdus, Auzout, Leibnitz, Sir William Petty, Mr Luter, Mr Newton. '
Ordered that all letters received by the Secretary to be produced at the next weekly meeting and be read and that the Secretaries take the directions of the Society for their speedy answering, if only to acknowledge receipt.
Ordered Dr Robert Plott to be excused from his weekly payment, in consideration of his promise to accommodate the Society with natural curiosities, and accounts of such other particulars pertiinent to their design which he may meet with on his Survey of England.
Mr Henry Hunt appointed deputy to Mr Hill to receive such arrears of the members of the Society as Mr Hill directs him.
Ordered that all Acts of the Council shall be entered into the Council Book.
Ordered that once a year there be prepared a collection of all matters which have been handled during the year concerning 4, 5 or more subjects which have been wwell prosecuted and completed, which may be printed in the name of the Society by St Andrew's day.
Ordered that the Register Books of the Society are viewed annually and that and that what the Council should think fit to be published should be drawn out and printed accordingly.
Lists of the several persons in arrears to the Society and the sum of their arrears recommended to sseveral members of the Council be made and delivered to them as a reminder of what they have undertaken. |