Description | At a Couoncil held at Sir Christopher Wrens, present: Sir Christopher Wren; Sir Paul Neile; Mr Abraham Hill; Mr Thomas Henshaw; Mr robert Hooke
Ordered tht the iron Chest in the gallery at Gresham College be opened next Thursday in the presence of the Vice President and any two of the Council and that an inventory be taken of what it holds. Mr Hunt to provide padlocks for it.
Ordered that Mr Hooke teat with Mr Lem concerning Chelsey [Chelsea] College and report the results at the next Council meeting.
Ordered that an Index be made of all the material things contained in the Council Book on the advice of the Secretary and that a reasonable allowance be made to a suitable person to do this.
Ordered that Mr Henshaw Mr Hill and Mr Hooke be asked to go to Chelsey College and to get a survey done before Thursday next week. |