Description | At a Council at Gresham College, present: Mr Henshaw; Sir John Lowther; Mr Colwall; Dr Croon; Mr Hill; Sir John Hoskins; Dr Green; Dr Mapletoft; Mr Hooke
Ordered that Mr Hooke shall have power to employ Mr Pappin for the writing of all such letters ordered by the correspondents of the Society. All such letter shall be written into a Letter Book to be kept by the Secretary of the Society. All the letters when fairly written out shall be shown to such persons of the Society as the Council shall appoint from time to time for viewing them before they are sent to the correspondents and after such perusal shall be sent by the Secretary as directed. For this Mr Pappin to receive from the Treasurer eighteen pence per letter unless the letter exceeds two sides of a quarter of a sheet of paper, for every of which he shall receive two shillngs, on production of his bill of the number of such letters signed and attested by the Secretary.
Ordered that the letters being approved of by any two of the Council they will be sealed and sent as directed above.
Ordered Mr Hill to pay Dr Pope ten pounds for one years rent for the use of the Astronomy Lodgings ending 23 February 1678/9.
Ordered that Mr Hooke may publish (as he has declared he is ready to do) a sheet or two every fortnight of such philosophical matters as he shall meet with from his correspondents, not making any use of anything contained in the Register Books without thye leave of the Council or author. |