Description | Present at the Council; Lord Brouncker, Sir Robert Morley, Mr Aerskine, Mr Ball, Mr Henshaw, Dr Wilkins, Dr Goddard, Dr Clark, Mr Palmer, Mr Hill, Mr Oldenburg
Mr Palmer reported from Mr Ellis that the draft of the Commission for the Printers to the Society, was in good form. The Commission passed as follows;
'The President Council and Fellows of the Royall Society of London for improving Natural knowledge, To all persons who shall read or hear these presents, Greeting. Whereas by his Majesty's Charter under his great Seal of England, is given and granted to us, full power and Authority to choose One of more Printer or Printers, for Matters and affaairs relating unto, or concerning the said Society; Wee do by these presents declare John Martin and James Allestree Citizens and Stationers of London, joyntly chosen, in due manner and forme, according to the said Charter to the Office of Printer to the Royall Society aforesaid, and, according to the said Charter, sworne to deal faithfully and honestly in all things belonging to the trust committed to them, as Printers to the said Society, during their Imployment in that capacity: And Wee do by these presents give and graunt unto the said John Martin and James Allestree, full power and priviledge, to print all such things, matters and business concerning the Royall Society aforesaid, as shall be committed unto them by the President and Council of the said Society, or any seven or more of them, (excepting any duely chossen and sworne as aforesaid) shall print any of the said Things Matters and Businesses concerning the Royall Society aforesaid, they the said John Martin James Allestree, duly observing all the Orders and Directions of the President and Council, or the said seven or more of them aforesaid, concerning the Printing of all the said matters and business. In witnesse whereof, Wee have caused our Common Seale to be affixed unto these presents, and the same to be signed by the President of the Royall Society aforesaid, this thirteenth day of January in the fifteenth year of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith Annoq' Domini 1663'.
Ordered that the Operator asks Mr Martin and Mr Allestree to attend the Council next Monday to review their Commission, and to hear the Statutes concerning their duty, and to be swarn as Printers to the Society, they having no exception against such Commission and Statutes.
The Statute of the duty of the Printers, as also the Statute of a certain number of Printed Copies, to be presented by the Printers of the Society, both passed the first time.
Ordered that Mr Hill survey the Bills of the Treasurer and use them to produce an Inventory of the things belonging to the Society. |