Description | Lists the fourteen members present - Lord Brouncker, Sir Robert Moray, Sir Kenelme Digby, Sir Gilbert Talbot, Mr Aerskine [Ereskine], Mr Slingsby, Mr Balle, Mr Evelyn, Mr Henshaw, Dr Clark, Dr Goddard, Mr Palmer, Mr Hill, Mr Oldenburg.
Mr Kenelme Digby waas sworn a member of the Council.
Dr Bate presented the Society with the money from Dr Clark, and asked to be continued as 'a Member of the Society'. Ordered that Dr Clark should receive the thanks of the Council, for his respect adn kindness to the Society, and that Dr Goddard draw up a form of this order.
Dr Bate was elected into the Society by the Council.
Mr Evelyn presented the Society with a cushion for the Mace which was given by Sir Richard Brown.
Resolved that the Council meet in future on Wednesdays in the afternoon, at 2 of the clock.
Ordered that the Committee bring in a Law, obliging the President to be covered, except when he speaks to the whole Society; also that they review the former drafts of procedure for the Making and Repealing of Laws, and alter them so that the Repealing as well as the Making of a Law be considerd only twice, on two days.
Ordered that Mr Palmer consults a lawyer whether it is necessary to have all the By-Laws of the Society confirmed by the Lords Chief Justices, and if so, whether aano of such By-Laws can be reealed, without revising by the said ?Justices.
The Committee presented the Council with a draft of a Statute for the Obligation to be subscribed, and of another, for the weekly payments, both of which ere recommended. |