Description | Present at Council; Lord Brouncker, Mr Howard, Sir Robert Moray, Sir Anthony Morgan, Mr Aerskine; Sir Peter Wyche, Mr Balle, Dr Goddard, Dr Whistler, Mr Palmer, Mr Hill , Mr Oldenburg
There was a debate as to whether the manuscript of 'Ulug-Beig' should be printed by another, if Allestree and Martin woudl not do it. The matter could not be resolved, as the printers did not attend the meeting as they had been requested.
Ordered to give Allestree and Martin notice to attend the Council at the next meeting
The Statute for allowing foreigners, elected into the Society , to dispense with paying their subscription and admisison, was read again and passed the second time, with alterations, as follows;
' When any person, residing in Forraigne parts, shall be elected into the Society in the due and accustomed forme and manner; the said person shall be registered among the Fellows of the Society, and be reputed a Fellow thereof, without Subscription and admission in the usual Forme; any thing contained in the Statutes requiring Subscription and admission to the contrary notwithstanding: And the said persion may have an Instrument under the Seal of the Society, testifying him to be elected and reputed a Fellow of the Society accordingly'.
The Secretary presented a draft of such a Diploma as mentioned in the above Statute with relation to Monsieur Hevelius and it was read and approved with some alterations, as follows;
' Prases, Concilium et Sodales Regalis Societatis Londini pro Scientia Naturali promovenda Omnibus et Singulis, ad quos praesentes pervenerint Salutem. Cum Virtute et Scientiis Mathematicis pracipue vero laboribus et Scriptis Astronomicis Illustris, Dominus Johannes Hevelius, Celeberrimae Civitatis Gedamemsis Consul. Amplissimus, Singularem suum in dictae Societatis conatus et studia affectum humanissimis Litteris uberrime fuerit testatus, suisque meritis egregiis Rem litterariam, et Solidam inprimis Philosophiam, augere et ornare pro virili Satagat; dicta Societas Laudatum Dominum Hevelium die 30 Martii Anni 1664 in solemni consessu, conspirantibus omnium Suffragiis, in Sodalium suorum Album cooptavit, inq' hujus rei Testimonium, Sigillum suum praesentibus affigi curavit. Dat. Londini Anno Aerae Christianie 1664. Regni Carolus II Augustissimi Magnae Britannia etc. Regis dictae Societatis Fundatoris et Patroni Munificentissime, deximi sexto. |