Description | Present at the Council; Lord Brouncker, Sir Robert Moray, Sir Paul Neile,. Sir Anthony Morgan, Mr Aerskine, Dr Goddard, Mr Hill, Mr Colwall, Mr Hoskins, Mr Oldenburg
' The Petition to his Majesty for Granting the House of Chelsey colledge, and the Land belonging therunto, to the Royal Society was read, and after some alterations, agreed upon, as follows;
To the King's mos Excellent Majesty The humble Petition of the President, Council and Fellows of the Royal society of London for improving Natural Knowledge, Hunbly sheweth,
That the House called Chelsey-college, and the Land heretofore belonging thereunto by the Donation of your Majesty's Royal Grandfather King JAMES of blessed memory, are now (as your Petitioners do humbly conceive) at your Majesty's disposal.
Your Petitioners do therefore humbly pray, your Majesty will be gratiously pleased to give Order, that a Bill be prepared for your Royal Signature, granting to our Petitioners and theire Successors the said House ane Lands, that your Petitioners may therby be in some measure enabled to prosecute the designe, for which your Majesty was pleased to constitute them a Corporation.
And your Petitioners shall ever pray etc '
Ordered that the President, Sir Robert Moray, Sir Paul Neile and Mr Aerskine be asked to present th petition to his Majesty as soon as convenient.
Ordered that Mr Hill pay Mr Sutclif ten pounds and take a receipt for it, notwithstanding the former Order. |