Description | Lists those present at the meeting (held for the first time on a Monday, according to the order of the last meeting), Lord Brouncker, Sir Robert Moray, Sir Paul Neile, Sir Gilbert Talbot, Mr Aereskine [Ereskine], Dr Goddard, Mr Slingsby, Dr Clark, Mr Balle, Mr Palmer, Dr Wilkins, Mr Hill, Dr Ent, Mr Oldenberg.
Elected into the Society; the Earl of Craford and Lindsay, Sir Edward Bishe, Sir John Birkenhead, Monsieur Huygens, and Monsieur Sorbeire
The draft for Repealing of Laws was passed this day for the second time, as it stands recorded on 17 June 1663 without any alteration.
The Ordinary Meetings of the Society shall be weekly upon Wednesday, beginning about 3 of the clock in the afternoon, and continuing until six; unless the major part of the Fellows present, shall, for that time resolve to rise sooner, or sit longer. And no Fellow shall depart without giving notice to the President.
Ordered that the Committe bring in a draft for a Statute concerning the Leave to be given to those that shall desire to be present at the meeting of the Society, both natives and foreigners, that are not Fellows thereof.
Dr Wilkins was appointed and sworn Vice-President of the Society
Ordered that Mr Balle pay four poinds, for the long glass canes provided by Sir Robert Moray for the trying in the Torricellian Experiment with water.
The Committee offered a Law for the Presidentls being covered, i.e. 'The President, being in the chair, is to be covered notwithstanding the Fellows of the Society be uncovered whilst they speak to him.' |