Description | Present at the Council; Dr John Wilkins Vice President, Sir Paul Neile, Dr Jonathat Goddard, Dr Clark, Mr Dudley Palmer, Mr Colwall, Mr Abraham Hill, Mr John Graunt, Mr Henry Oldenburg
Ordered that the several members of the Council who have particular acquaintance with those Lords that are of teh Society and in arrears, be asked to recommend to them those letters which ere forerly drawn up to put them in mind to satisfy such arrears. And that accordingly the President be asked to give to the Earl of Northampton the letter addressed to him; the Lord Bishop of Exeter and Sir Robert Moray to the Marquesse of Dorchester; Sir Robert Moray to the Duke of Buckingham; Dr Wilkins to the Lord Hatton.
Ordered that the collector make hast to go about with the general list of arrears, and use all diligence to gather them in; and that in doing so, he take particular notice of those that refuse of delay payment.
Resolved, that the Amanuensis make several copies of the following order, for those that are hereafter named, inserting their names, and the sums of their arrears, and carry them to the President to be signed.
The form of the order is to be this; 'Orderd that the Collector fo the Treasurer of the Royal Society de repair to --------------------- and give him notice, that he is in Arrear on the 23 of December last past, according to his Subscription, and the Statutes of the said So ciety: and do desire him to pay the said sums unto the said Collector, who in case of non payment, is to returne his Answer unto the Council of the Said Society.'
The persons are these; Mr Vermuyden, Mr Waller, Dr Pearne, Mr Stanley, Sir John Talbot, Sr Stanhope, Dr Scarburgh, Mr Driden |