Description | Present at a Council at Gresham College: Sir Christopher Wren President; Mr Daniel Colwall; Mr Abraham Hill; Dr Crone; Mr Aston; Mr Robert Hooke; Mr Thomas Henshaw
Ordered the Treasurer to pay John Wilkinson for transcriptions ordered by Council on 25 January; sixteen shillings for time past, and eight shillings per week in future when employed by the Secretaries, with written confirmation from them.
The Treasurer stated that Paul Rycaut Esq Fellow of the Royal Society had paid his arrears and had been out of ENgland for many years. Ordered Mr Ricaut be discharged of his arrears to last Michaelmas, he having presented to the Library his own printed books and sealing the usual Bond for the future.
The Treasurer brought in the East India Company Bond for £1305 : 6 : 8d which was put into the Chest. When the Bond is renewed next March the words 'Successors' is to be inserted.
Memorandum relating to the Collection of maoney in arrears to the Royal Society; Mr Ricaut paid 52 shillings and excused himself as above Mr Woodruffe alledged that about seven yeaers ago he declared to Sir Robert Southwell that he would recede Sir Nicholas Steward queried the amount of his arrears Mr Colwall stated Dr Mills and Mr Hoar did not refuse but hope for abatement Sir William Petty has ordered his Lady to pay £10 of his arrears by letter to Dr Wood
The Treasurer informed the Council that ' of late years a part of our Fee Farm Rent is not answered by reason the Countess of Dorset hath sold away in parts the Barony of Lewis, And that which remains in her hands will not answer it.
Directions thereupon and Answers
Mr Ricaut to be discharged for more Arrears in Consideration of Absence out of England , he presenting his Bookes to the Library and Sealing the Bond for future Payment.
Mr Haughton directed to acquaint Dr Woodroafe that we could take no notice of his Recording unless it had been formally done according to the Statute by signifying his desires to the President , And that there was seven years ago a Considerable Arrear due notwithstanding because the Dr might beleive that his Significt to Sir Robert Southwell might have been sufficient, it directed that if he please to pay twenty pounds to the Treasurer he shall be discharged of all arrears and remain at his Choice whether he will please to continue signing the Bond or recede.
Mr Aston to write to Sir Nicholas Steward with his Account included. Mr Parker undertakes to gain an Answer.
Mr Aston directed to write to Dr Mills and Mr Hoar. Mr Colwall undertakes to obtain their Answers.
Dr Wood desired to acquaint the Lady Petty, how the mony is to be paid, and return thanks to Sir William Petty.
Mr Treasurer and Mr Parker are desired to inquire how the Fee Farm Rent was answered to the King before it was the Society's, and who were then the Collectors, As also to inquire of Sir John Banks the former Owner. And to speak to Mr Goodwin Attorny of Lewes, and desire his Advice of the Best way of proceeding in this Affair. ' |