Description | Present t the meeting; the President; Mr Pepys; Mr Henshaw; Sir John Hoskyns; Mr Hill; Dr Hook; Dr Sloan; Mr Southwell; Dr Stanley; Mr Creed; Dr Slare
' Mr Hill declared that the Societys East India Stock was trnasferred to Mr Pittfield in trust for the Society, and that the declaration of trust was lodged in his hands.
The President was pleased to sign an order for one years Salary due to Mr Hunt the Operator in full to July 14th, 1694.
Ordered that Dr Vincent be again admitted a Member of the Society upon his Signing a new bond, and that he be excused admittance money.
Ordered that Dr Slone Mr Waller, Dr Hook and Mr Pittfield be a Committee to meet the President to auditt the Treasurers accounts, and that they meet about 12 at Noon on Wensday next at Gresham College.
Ordered that Halley be paid one yeers Salary due to him October 27th 1693 being £50.
The President signed an order for £7.12.0d to be paid to Mr Calliau for the Books lately published by the Royall Academy of Sciences at Paris.
Mr Jackson Nephew to Mr Pepys and Mr Bridges son to the Lord Chandois were likewise ballotted and approved. ' |