Description | Present at the meeting; Sir John Hoskyns Vice President: Sir Robert Southwell; Mr Bemde; Dr Hooke; Dr Sloane; Mr Hill; Dr Slare; Mr Littfied; Mr Orland Bridgman
' The Minutes of the Last Councell of the 20th March, 1699 were read.
Mr Hill reported that Mr Goodwin had received the remainder of the Duke of Norfolks money, and had remitted it to him, and he had paid it to Mr Hunt, which he desired the Society would be pleased to grant him an order for so doeing. The Society thanked Mr Hill, approving of what he had done and desired thanks might be returned to Mr Goodwin.
The Society taking into consideration the Many Good Offices that the late Lord Clarendon had done them, it was ordered that this Lord Clarendon should be put into the List as a Member of it.
Dr Sloane Moved the Society's J Jones Sallary, now he is goeing on an Expedition of the Societys to Barbary. And he haveing brought the Society books (which were many Years behind0 up to the Last Year of 1699. It was further moved that the Society would be pleased to take it into their Consideration.
The Doctor reading the Papers belonging to him, Sir Robert Southwell was pleased to Signe it.
The Question was put whether Mr Jones who has Served the Society as Clark to the Society for two Years Past shall upon his Compleating the Entries in the Societys books be paid one hundred pounds for his Said Service it passed in the affirmative nomine contradicente and accordingly he was ordered to be paid.
Mr Hunt was ordered to be paid one Years Salary.
Dr Sloane propounded Dr Cyprianus to be a Member of the Society : It passed in the Affirmative and he was chosen.
Mr Hunt was Ordered to Print the List.
The Vice President Propounded another Councell And it was ordered to be here this day fortnight at 12 a Clock.
Dr Sloane said that Dr Hooke who had one of the Register Books of the Society had returned it. ' |