Description | Present: Mr Colwall Vice president; Sir William Petty; Mr Hill; Dr GRew; Mr Meridith; Sir John Lowther; Mr Evelyn; Dr Plot; Mr Aston
' Mr Colwall took the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and the Oath of Office as Vice president.
Some of the Councill having larely spoke to Mr Evelyn about buying a Stock of his being £250 in the East India Company with a parcell of mony of the Royal Society's lying then at use in the said East India Company. The Councill having considered of the business askt Mr Evelyn if he were willing to take £750 for $250 stock taking his money from the sum due to the Socirety by the East India company to which he [a]greed whereupon it was Ordeed That the Seal of the East India company to the Society for £800 be delivered up to Mr Evelyn in Exchange of £250 Stock in the Said Company belonging to him And a Bond to be given the Society for the payment of £50 by Mr Evelyn on the 25th March next ensueing.
Ordered and agreed that the Interest of the aforesaid £750 be to the Society untill this day, and for the future belong to Mr Evelyn.
Ordered that the Entry of the Stock be made in the name of Mr Hill or Sir Joseph Lawrence and a Declaration of the trust delivered to the Councill by the respective person.
My Lord Anglesey having formerly bought Mr Oldenburgs books and Papers and it being supposed that he received severall of this Society's Papers therewith it was Ordered that My Lord Anglesey should be spoke to either to restore tham, or let coppys by taken.
The Secretarys having drawn up a State of the Papers in their Office and it appearing that severall things of the Societys had not been put into their hands as ought to have been.
Ordered that Mr Hooke deliver up into the hands of either of the Secretary's all such Books and Papers as any way belong to the Society, or came to his hands upon the Account of his being Secretary. ' |