Description | Present at the meeting: The President; Dr Mead; Mr Isted; Mr Clavell; Dr Sloane; Mr Waller; Mr Morland; Mr Lowthorp; Dr Harris
' Ordered that the House in Crane - Court be Ensured from Fire by the Amicable Society at the rate of Eleven hundred pounds, and that Mr Pitfield pay seven pounds six shillilngs for the same, and that the Common Seal of the Society be affixed to the Counterpart of the Articles when they are perfected.
This was Ballotted for, and there were two Negatives and Eight Affirmatives.
Mr Southam, Mr Webbs Clerk, his Bill of £17.18.9d and £2.1.3d for his attendancies and expedition, in all twenty pounds, was Ordered to be paid; and also a Fee of six Guineas was Ordered Mr Webb for perusing the Title and settling the Conveyances.
This was Ballotted for and carried, all being Affirmatives except one.
Sir Christopher Wren, Mr Wren and Mr Waller were appointed a Committee to see what Mr Brigstock leaves in the House that may be Usefull to the Society, and of what Value they may be.
Ordered that the List be printed as it was last Year, striking our those that are dead and putting in any newly elected, and that as in such Lists so printed shall be capable of giving Votes for the Officers and being chosen Officers as usual; and that this be proposed to be a Statute next Council. All Affirmatives.
Whereas a Statute was made, or supposed to be made, proposed January 22, 1706 viz: That no Person shall be capable of being a Member of the Council of the Royal Society who hath not given Bond to pay his weekly Contributions, or who hath not paid them till the Quarter day then last past: Voted that the repeal of this Statute shall be propounded at another Meeting. It was ballotted for, and all were Affirmatives.
Ordered that the Treasurer, Secretaries, Dr Halley, Mr Petiver, Mr Waller, Dr Thorpe and Mr Hauksbee, be excused their weekly Payments. All were Affirmatives.
Mr Hauksbee was Ordered thirty pounds for his last years Experiments. This was Ballotted for and carried. Affirmatives all.
Dr Thorpe was Ordered twenty pounds for half a Years Salary. It was Balloted for, and all were Affirmatives. ' |