Description | Present at the meeting: The President; Sir Berkley Lucy; Mr Aston; Dr Harwood; Dr Halley; Dr Mead; Mr Waller
' A Letter of Recommendation for Samuel Molyneux Esq, that Gentleman designing to travell into several Forreign Parts, was read and approved.
Ordered, that the Common Seal of the Royal Society be affixed thereto in the Presence of two or three of the Council, now present, this Afternoon.
The President proposed, that for the more Effectual Promotion of the Ends of the Institution of this Society, some particular Committees should be appointed, to consider of several Subjects proper for that Purpose, and prepare the same for the Society.
Resolved, that a Committee be appointed, to inspect any new Books and Philosoophical Treatises lately published, or that may be published, and to inform of any Discoveries contained in the same ; and to recommend such Books as they shall judge proper to have Extracts made of the whole or part, to be produced for the Entertainment of the Society at their weekley Meetings : for which purpose some Persons were named, viz. Dr Tancred Robinson, Dr Halley, Mr Aston, Dr Harwood, etc.
Resolved that a Committee be appointed to consider of Experiments proper to be made, and to search the Journals of the Society to see what Experiments have been Ordered and not yet made.
Resolved that a Committee be appointed for Mathematical Subjects.
Resolved that a Committee be appointed for Anatomical Subjects.
Resolved that a Committee be appointed to make Inquiries and receive Informations of any extraordinary Phenomena of Nature, such as Earthquakes and alterations of the face of the Earth, of unusual Meteors, and the like.
The Gentlemen present were desired to take Lists of the Society, to consider of the Persons proper to be of the said Committees, and to give in their Names at the next Council. ' |