Description | Present at the meeting: The President; Mr Balle; Dr Halley; Mr Chamberlayne; Mr Aston; Dr Sloane; Dr Mead
' Mrs Hawksbee [Hauksbee] was ordered twenty pounds for the services of her late husband for the time he made experiments for the society before his death she giving a Receipt in full.
Mr Hawksbee his nephew was ordered five guineas for his Services since his unkle's death he giving a Receipt in full.
The Treasurer was likewise ordered to pay six pounds and six shillings for Chairs for the Society.
The Treasurer was likewise ordered to pay three pounds, five shillings and three pence for the Acta eruditorum to Mr Innye.
Mr Waller, Mr Aston, Dr Thorpe and Dr Sloane were appointed to order the goods Seized in the Cellar for rent to be sold, to lett the Cellar, and the house in the Court; and to dispose of the duplicate Books.
A Letter, was read and approved of by the Council to be sent to the Officers of the Ordnance, Viz. To the Honorable the Principall Officers of her Majesties Office of Ordnance Gentlemen Her Majesty having last winter was two years constituted the Royal Society Visitors of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, was pleased a few days Since, in pursuance of that her Order, voluntarily with her own mouth to give fresh Commands to our President that he and the rest of the Gentlemen of the Society should take Care of Mr Flamsteeds Observatory. Whereupon the Society sent thither some of their members to view the same and they have reported the state thereof in respect of the Instruments and what repairs they need, and that some of them are not the Queens nor Capable of being made sufficiently fit for use. The Observatory being supported and repaired by your Office, We the President and Council of the Society take the Liberty to lay these things before you, being ready on our part to do what in us lies for the putting her Majesty's Commands in Execution in the best manner. And this tending to make the Observatory more useful and Creditable, we pray the favour of your Answer and remain, Gentlemen Your most humble Servants From our house in Crane - Court Fleet Street 24 August 1713. ' |