Description | Present at the meeting: The President; Dr Halley; Dr Taylor; Dr Sloane; Dr Cockburn; Mr Pound; Mr Balle
' The President told the Council he had got the Sollicitors bill of Charges in the law suit with the Lord Abergaveny in the Court of Exchequer and it was ordered that Mr Tempest a member of the Council should be desired to examine it.
Several Receipts for books borrowed out of the Library being produced Mr Thomas was ordered to call on the persons concerned to return them; And it appearing that some of the Books have been kept out for Several years and by that means in danger of being lost to the Society it was ordered that for the future no books be lent out of the Library without leave first obtained of the President or Vice President for the time being at a Meeting of the Society.
Mr Hills a Tenant to the Society being sent for the President demanded of him the Rent he ows to the Society which he promised to pay the next thursday and Mr Thomas was ordered to receive it of him and to give a receipt for it.
It was ordered that Mr Rawlinson a Member of the Council, and his brother be desired to look over the Library, and to see what is necessary to be done to put it in good order and keep it so.
Mr Marpurgher Mr Hodges, Dr Frederick Ruysch Mr Levinus Vincent and Mr Gravesand were approved of by balloting as proper persons to be recommended to the Society to be chosen members thereof. ' |