Description | Present; The President; Lord Foley; Mr Roberts; Dr Pellet; Mr Keck; Sir Hans Sloane; Mr Molyneaux; Mr Balle; Dr Arbuthnot; Mr Folks; Dr Halley and Dr Harwood
' Mr Robartes Mr Molyneaux Mr Folkes Dr Arbuthnot Dr Harwood and Mr Isted were Sworn of the Council.
Mr Hadley was ballotted and approven for a Candidate.
The President Signed of thirty pounds for a gratuity to Mr Desaguilliers for making Experiments etc.
Also a Bill for Bricklayers Work in repairing the tyling and cleaning the Drains amounting to three pounds and ten shillings.
Also a Bill of Mr Partington for cleaning and refitting the Society's Pictures amounting to Ten pounds and Seven Shillings.
Also an order for Mr Thomas's half year's Salary as House Keeper to the Seventh Instant, being fifteen pounds.
Also an Order of fifty pounds to be paid to Dr Edmund Halley as a Gratuity, in consideration of his Service as Secretary for the three years last past.
Ordered that a Couple of Grates and appurtenances be provided for the new Chimneys in the Norfolk Library. ' |