Description | Present: The President; Lord Foley; Dr Arbuthnot; Mr Machin; Dr Jurin; Mr Gale; Dr Halley
' Resolved. Tht Mr Thomas be allowed a Servant to take care of the House and keep it clean, and that the same Servant shall keep the Door and Serve as Porter to the Society, and Shall be always to attend the House and be in the way to answer Such Enquiries as the Members may have occasion to make, whenever the House Keeper himself may happen to be abroad.
Resolved That Mr Thomas be allowed twenty pounds per Annum as House Keeper over and above his present Sallary, in Consideration of the Additional Charge of Keeping his Servant.
Resolved that proper Directions be given to compleat the Catalogue of all the Society's Books with all convenient expedition and also to make a Catalogue of all the Raritys in the Repository.
Resolved that Mr Thomas give the Society a Bond of Security for the Books and other matters belonging to the Society which are committed to him under his Charge of Keeping.
The President having informed the Council of Some complaints made to him about the State of the Repository, That several things had received much damage by the dampness of the Place. And That the Repository was very much annoyed with the ill scent of the Goods lodged in that Celler under it which was Some time Since lett out by the Society to a Cheesemonger. It was resolved, That Mr Desaguliers be desired to take a Survey of the Repository to See whether one of his new Invented Chimneys may not be conveniently placed there to cure the damp; and likewise it was Ordered that Mr Thomas be directed to give warning to the Cheesemonger to remove as Soon his Lease Shall expire.
Ordered that Mr Thomas Summon a Council to meet next Thursday The 23rd of this Instant at half an hour after three. ' |