Description | Present: The President; Mr Balle; Mr Moreland; Dr Stukely; Mr Machin; General Nicholson; Mr Folkes; Dr Combsworth; Mr Watkins; Sir HANs Sloane; Mr Pitfeild; Mr Hill; Dr Halley
' A Copy of So much of Dame Mary Sadlers Will as relates to the fifth part of the Kings-Head-Tavern at the corner of Lambeth Hill thereby bequeathed to the Society was delivered in by the Treasurer, Sir Edwin Sadler being lately deceased.
Mr St John, Mr Stanley, Dr Charles Stewart, Dr William Sherrard, Mr Geofry Palmer, Mr Abel Kettleby were ballotted and approven for Election.
Ordered that the Collection of Plants given the Society by the East India Company be taken particular care of and the plants be pasted on Imperial paper the better to preserve them with their numbers and titles.
Collonel Nicholson presented the Council a Ticket for Mr Addison's works now printing, and likewise gave Mr Thomas a Guinea to pay for the Book when finished for which he had the thanks of the Councell. ' |