Description | Present; The President; Mr Folkes; Mr Gale; Dr Harwood; Sir Hans Sloane; Mr Hadley; Dr Plumptre; Mr Buissuere; Dr Halley; Mr Graham; Dr Jurin; Mr Machin
' A Letter from Mr Le Neve was read wherein he desires leave to withdraw himselfe from the Society and to take up his bond by reason he intends to Spend the remainder of his life in the Country and Shall be at to[o] great a distance to Attend the Meeting.
Ordered that Mr Le Neve have Leave to take up his bond.
Dr Jurin represented that there being many Curious Persons abroad who are very desirous of rendring themselves Serviceable to the Society by their Obbservations on the Weather who yet are not enabled to do it through want of proper Instruments it was
Ordered That Dr Jurin be Allowed to present Barrometers and Thermometers at the Charge of the Society to Such of his Correspondents for Observing the Weather in foreign parts as the President Shall think proper, provided that the Whole Number of Instruments presented do not Exceed a Dozen.
Several Workmens Bills for repairs done to the Societys House of meeting in Crane Court Amounting to the Sum of £43-11-7 1/2 [Forty three pounds eleven shillings and seven and ahalf pence] were referd to Mr Hauksbee to be examined in Order to be Allowed.
Ordered that the Committee for Inspecting the Societys Papers appointed last year be revived and that it do consist of the Same persons which were then appointed. Also ordered tht the papers of Mr Waller delivered to the Society by Mr Derham be refered to them.
Ordered that a gratuity of one Guinea be paid to Mr Owen in recompence for the pains he took in Solliciting Mr Astons Debt.
Mr Frewin delivered to the President the Kings Letter under the Great Seal, being the Licence for holding in Mortmain. The Same was Ordered to be laid up in the Chest with the rest of the Deeds
Don Galvaon, Mr Hill, Dr Nesbitt, Mr Roby, Dr Hickman, Dr Cappola, Mr Poley, Mr Hunt, Mr Stone and Andrew Henry Cronhelm were Severally put to the Ballot and approved for Candidates.
Ordered that Dr Desaguilliers lay before the Council a list of Such Experiments as he has performed before the Society Since the last payment made to him.
Dr Desaguilliers desired to borrow a paper Communicated to the Society by Mr Lowthorp Concerning the figure of the Earth, which was accordingly granted. ' |