Description | Present; The President; Lord Foleh; Mr Folkes; Dr Halley; Dr Jurin; Sir Hans Sloane; Governor Nicholson; Mr Sloane; Mr Brown; Mr Pitfeild; Dr Taylor; Dr Stukeley; Mr Machin
' Dr Halley Regius Professor of Astronomy represented that whereas a Sum of Money had been advanced to him from the Treasury by an Order of the Government, to furnish the Observatory at Greenwich with proper Instruments, the greatest part of which Sum is already expended in the cost and Workmanship of Such Instruments as are now fitted up, and there being one Necessary Instrument begun and partly made which will require more money before it be finished, than is reamaining in his hands to Sarisfy; he moved that he might have leave to lay before the Council of the Society as his Visitors the State of his Accounts. Whereupon it was Ordered That there be a Committee appointed to Visit the State of the Observatory at Greenwich and Inspect the Accounts on Monday next May the 16th and That the following Gentlemen consititute the Said Committee. Dr Taylor, Dr Stukely, Mr Hadley, Mr Graham and Mr Folkes.
The House keeper represented that the Roof and Tiling of the House are Defective and Stand in need of being Speedily repaired.
Ordered that Mr Hauksbee have leave to appoint Workmen to Inspect the Tiling and to Imploy them to make good the Deficiencies.
Mr Frewin the Solicitor acquainted the Council that the Lord Abergavenny desired to have a Copy of the Deed whereby the Society Claim the fee farm rent at Lewis in Sussex.
Ordered that the Original Deed be delivered into the hands of Mr Frewin in Order to make out a Copy for the Lord Abergavenny.
Mr Frewin delivered in his bill of £119 - 3 - 2 whereof the Sum of £59 - 3 - 2 remains unpaid.
Ordered that the Treasurer pay the Ballance due on the Said bill amounting to the Sum of fifty Nine pounds three Shillings and two pence
Mr Hauksbee delivered in his bill to the 11th of April 1726 amounting to the Sum of fifty Seaven pounds and Nine Shillings.
Ordered that the Treasurer pay the Said bill of fifty Seaven pounds and nine Shillings.
The following Gentlemen were Severally putt to the Ballott and appproved for Candidates.
Sir Brook Bridges, Me Hassel, Mr Jeffries, Mr Allen, Temple Stanian Esq., Kingsmill Eyse Esq., Mr Ketelbey, Dr Henry Walter Gerdes, Thomas Palmer Esq, and the Lord Chief Baron Gilbert.
Dr Jurin represented that the Council had thought fit to make trial of a proposal he made the last year for Cultivating and incourageing a foreign correspondence by making presents of Instruments for observing the Weather to Curious persons residing abroad and as they had thereupon Ordered 12 such Instruments for the Service of the year which are now all disposed of except one and as he finds by this means his Correspondence is according to Expectation much Improved and enlarged, he therefore Offered it to the Consideration of the Council whether it may not be to the Service of the Society to appoint the like or Some other Number of Such presents for the Service of the present Year. Whereupon it was Ordered That for further tryal Six more such Instruments Shall be allowed for the Service of the Present year.
Dr Juring further represented that it would be of great Service to the Society to furnish their Library with all Journals or Memoirs of Such Societys as are of a like institution for Propagating Natural Knowledge, that the Secretarys may be apprised as soon as may be of any new Invention or Improvement made or discovered by the Members of Such Adademys which benefit they are now deprived of in great measure, by not having others continued up to the present time, and by entirely wanting the whole Sett of some such Journals. Whereupon it was Ordered That the memoirs of the Royal Academy of Paris be continued for the future in the Paris Edition.
That a Complet Sett of the Giornale Di Literati be purchased and continued for the future as they Shall come out. ' |