Description | Present; Martin Folkes Esq. Vice President; William Sloane Esq.; General Nicholson; Dr Harwood; Sir Hans Sloane; Mr Isted; Dr Jurin; Mr Machin
' The four following Gentlemen were Severally put to the Ballot and approved for Members, Viz Edward Rudge Esq. Mr Pawlet of the Temple, Mr James Sterling and Mr Belidor
Mr Hauksbee made a report of his proceedings in relation to the Society's house in Crane Court, That he had found a Tenant to take the same at the Annual Rent of £24 And he delivered in a paper Signed by himself on the part of the Society and by Mr John Mallare on the other part containing the terms and Conditions of the agreement; which being read and approved the Same was delivered to Mr Frewin with directions to draw a Lease conformable to those articles.
General Nicholson, Mr Isted and Mr Sloane were elected Auditors, to Act in conjunction with the President and one of the Secretary's as a Committee for Auditing the Treasurers Accounts for the present year, on the part of the Council.
An Extract of a Letter from Mr Thomas late Clerk to the Society dated the 19 of May 1726 relating to his Accounts with the Society was Communicated to the Council by Mr Jones wherein he makes mention of the Steps he has taken to get his Effects into his own hands, which will Speedily put him in a capacity to make the Society easy. To which end he desires that he may be ordered a Copy of the State of his Account, that he may know whether the Sallery due to him at his departure with his Several disbursements for the use of the Society have been Allowed him. He also mentions his Expectation of a recompence for his Service in the pains he took in making out the Catalogue of the Library.
Whereupon it was ordered that a copy of the Stateof Mr Thomas's Account should be taken from the Treasurers Books to be delivered to Mr Thomas's Agent when called for
It was also resolved That a Reasonable Allowance should be made for his extraordinary Services in making the Catalogue. ' |