Description | Present at the Council: The President; Mr Folkes; Dr Douglas; Mr Bradley; Dr Jurin; Dr Stuart; Mr Hadley; Mr Graham; Mr Machin
' The Minutes of the last meeting were read.
Ordered tht Mr Frewen wait on the Common Sergeant Mr Lingard in the Name of the Society and Ask his Opinion what course is to be taken toremove the Posts lately erected in the Alley Leading to the back Door of the Society's house and that he do follow the directions given him by the Said Council at the Suit of the Society.
Resolved Tthat Mr Frewen and all parties Employed by him Shall be indemnified in what they Shall do therein.
Ordered That the Treasurer or his Deputy Mr Hauksbee do take care to put Such Gentlemen in mind of their Arrears who have not paid for two years past. ' |