Description | Present at the Council: The President; Mr Folkes; Dr Pemberton; Dr Stuart; Mr Graham; Dr Jurin; Mr Gale; Mr Hadley; Dr Halley; Dr Douglas
' The Minutes of the last Council were read
A letter from Mr Warburton was read wherein he desires to be Excused from the payment of his Arrears and Contributrions, in Consideration of a present of Curiosities which he now makes to the Society, and of others which he intends to make as occation Shall offer.
His present was received and his request referred for consideration at the next Council.
Mr Folkes, Mr Gale and Mr Hadley, were elected Auditors of the Treeasurers Accompts on the part of the Council to be joined in a Committee with the President and one of the Secretaries.
Ordered that the thanks of the Council be returned to the Treasurer for the care he has taken in Sending Circular Letters to Such Members of the Society as are above two years in Arrear for their Contributions pursuant to an Order of Council on the fourth of July last. '
Ordered that; The foregoing Order be read publicly at the Meeting of the Society that afternoon That the Solicitors Bill of Nine pounds and Seventeen Shilllings be paid That Mr Brindleys Bill amounting to Nine pounds be paid That Fifty pounds be paid to each of the Secretaries for the last year That thirty five pounds be paid to Dr Desaguliers for his Service last year, five pounds of which is to be on Account of Sir Godfrey Copley's Experiment That five guineas be given to Mrs Johnson a relation of Dr Paget's according to an Order made by the Society
' Mr Philemon Loyd and Mr Benjamin Robins were Severally put to the ballot and were approved as Candidates for Election. ' |