Description | Present at the meeting: The President; Dr Lister; Mr Henshaw; Mr Hill; Sir Cyril Wich; Mr Hook; Me Aston
' Ordered, That 2 of Mr Helvelius's Annus Climactericus be sent as presents from the Royal Society ; One to the Philosophical Society at Oxford ; and another to the Philosophical Society at Dublin ; and that the Secretary give them notice thereof.
Ordered, That Mr Flamsted be excused his Arrears of the weekly payments till Michaelmas last.
It being represented that severall Members of the Society, were in great Arrears, contrary to the Statutes, It was Ordered, That the following names should be left out of the list next to be printed, unless they satisfied the Treasurer in the meantime;
A Earl of Anglesey; Dr Ardern; Sir Robert Atkins; George Duke of Buckingham; Mr John Bembode; Mr William Bridgman; Sir John Brook; W Earl of Devonshire; C Lord Clifford; Dr Ed. Chamberlain; Sir John Chardin; Sir William Churchill; Dr Clark; Mr John Courthop; Mr Thomas Cox; Lord Dursley; Sir R Edgcomb; Mr Henry Eve; Sir B Gascoin; Sir Edward Harley; Sir James Hayes; Mr Jodocus Kruth; Mr Joseph Lane; Sir John Lawrence; Dr John Lock; Dr Merret; Dr Daniel Mills; Mr William Napper; Mr Thomas Neal; Mr John Newburg; Dr Sam Parker; Sir Thomas Player; Sir William Portman; Mr Henry Powle; William Earl of Strafford; Sir James Shaen; Mr Thomas Sheridon; Dr G Smith; Sir W Soam; J Earl of Twedale; Sir Gilbert Talbot; Sir John Talbot; C Earl of Leicester; Sir P Ward; Sir George Wheeler; Mr William Wind; J Lord Yester. ' |