Description | Present at the meeting: Sir Joseph Williamson, Vice President in the Chair; Lord Vaughan; Sir Cyrill Wyche; Mr HEnshaw; Mr Herbert; Mr Perry; Mr Meredith; Sir John Hoskins; Dr Gale; Mr Hill; Dr Robinson; Mr Aston; Mr Haines
' E. Halley reported from Mr Hook, that there was no particular Inventory of the Society's papers taken, when they were delivered into his Custody.
Mr Aston being present affirms likewise, that the said papers were not delivered to him by Inventory, but that in the beginning of Sir Cyrill Wyches Year there was an account taken of them, entred in the Journall book of that time.
Enquiry being made after a part of the Journall of the Society which was waiting in the Societys presses, Mr Aston said he had it in his possession, as likewise all the Copyes of the Journalls and Registers except two.
Ordered that Mr Hunt carry the last Journall, and the Journall of the Councell to Mr Aston, to be compleated by him, and that Mr Aston give in the Originall papers, belonging to the Society that are in his Custody.
Ordered that the Consideration of the Transactions be put off till the next Councell.
Then the Councell assumed the debate concerning the Book of Fishes, and it was alledged by Mr Aston, that the Book being printed at Oxford and the plates at London, as likewise the Appendix there could be no fraud in the Printer at Oxford. against which it was objected that the cutts being designed for a book apart, any number of the books that may lie in the Printers hands, may by that means be made Compleat.
The Vicepresident was of opinion, that the book being a book of it self and the Cutts likewise a book of it self, there being printed apart can be security in this case.
Ordered to inspect the letter Book for letters relating to the printing of this Book.
The Councell then agreed with their Committee, that they could not proceed to make any disposall of the Book of Fishes, till they hear from Dr Plott, and till they have the Security from Mr Hall the printer, such as is usuall to Booksellers, that he hath printed no more, than the number the Society pays for. ' |