Description | Present at the meeting; Dr Gale Vicepresident; Mr Henshaw; Sir John Hoskins; Mr Hill; Dr Robinson; Mr Meredith; Mr Flamsteed; Mr Perry
' Sir John Hoskins and Mr Henshaw were severally sworn Vicepresidents according to two deputations under the hand of the President, then produced, and the Oaths of alleagiance and Supremacy were administered to them according to the Statute in that Case.
Dr Clopton Havers, Mr Thomas Molinoux and Mr John Harwood were allowed as Candidates fit to be proposed to the Society for Election.
Ordered that the allowance for encouraging the Publication of the Transactions, by the Societys taking 60 of them as soon as printed, according to an order of the 13th of December 1682, be continued till further order.
Ordered that Mr Hook be allowed his Arrears for the Years 1684 and 1685, and that the Treasurer pay him 60 pounds, in full till Lady Day last past.
This Councell does declare their Satisfaction in the Society's Choice of E. Halley, not withstanding his want of the fifth Qualification concluded on by the Councell of January 27th last past, which at the time of his Election the Society was pleased to dispence without. ' |