Description | Present at the meeting: the President; Dr Havers; Mr Hill; Dr Gale; Mr Povey; Dr Stanley; Mr Lodwick; Mr Middleton; Dr Slone; Mr Herbert; Mr Pittfield; Mr Waller
' The President taking the Chaire, the Arcana deposited by Mr Robert Boyle with the Secretarys of the Society to be opened with his permission, were produced, and he being dead it was thought fitt to open them.
The first was dated September 30th, 1680 and contained : the method of preparing the Phosphorus of Humane Urine; it was ordered to be registred in the books of the Society with that date, and likewise with the same date to be publisht in the Transactins, so as to assert the knowledge thereof to Mr Boyle at that time: tho Dr Slone said there was now a more convenient and shorter way of preparing it known and practised by the Chymists.
The Second was dated November 30th, 1683, containing his way of examing the Saltness of any Water, which being large was ordered to be read at the meeting of the Society.
The Third dated September 6th, 1684 was Titles for the Naturall History of a Minerall Water proposed; considered as being drawn out of its Spring or receptacle; being the second or Physico-Chymicall part of the designed work: It was delivered to Dr Slone to see if it contained any thing not publisht in his discourse of Medicinall Waters, who also took the former Paper with him to peruse.
The President signed the Operators Salary for half a year to January 14th last past.
The President proposed Sir William Tromball and Mr Isaac Controller of the Green Cloath and Dr Stanley proposed Mr Landry Divinity Lecturer in Gresham College, who were all three ballotted for and approved. ' |