Description | Present at t Council. The President. The Reverend James Bradley; Dr James Jurin; Francis Wollaston Esq.; William Jones Esq; John Hamilton Esq; Dr Cromwell Mortimer; John Hadley Esq; Theodore Jacobsen Esq; Westby Gill Esq; Mr George Graham; Mr John Machin
Dr Bradley, Mr Hamilton, Mr Jacobsen and Mr Wollaston were sworn of the Council.
Pursuant to a Minute of the last Council, the proposal for enlarging the penalty of the Bond for Contributions was taken again into consideration ; and after some debates about the Sum, and a Question being put : It was agreed and resolved, nemine contradicente, that the Bond, to make good the weekly paymnet, hereafter to be taken from Members to be admitted, shall be for the Sum of fifty pounds : and Ordered that Mr Hauksbee do hence forward cause the Bonds to be made out and filled up accordingly.
It wa agreed to by Ballot and Ordered that the Sum of ten guinea's be paid to Dr Desaguliers, in consideration of his services for the year last past.
The Council being informed that Mr Woodward and Mr Davis the Booksellers were come according to an appointment, in order to treat with them abut the parcel of Books which had been lodged in their hands ; they were called in. And the account of the Books delivered to them being read over by Dr Mortimer, as also the Minute relating to their first proposal entered in the Council Book, page 307 ; the Question was put to them what further proposal they were disposed to make : and Mr Woodward saying his affairs obliged him to decline the bargain, and referring the whole to Mr Davis ; he said he was willilng to take them of the Society : and withdrawing to resolve what he should offer, in a short time returned, and said he was willilng to give the sum of seventy guinea's for the whole parcel ;and then withdrew.
The Council after some time came to a Resolution, that they would accept of Mr Davis's offer of seventy guinea's for the whole parcel ; upon condition he would accept them without any allowance to be made for any deficiency, if upon examination any should appear. But Mr Davis being gone away before the Council came to their Resolution ; it was Ordered, that, to obviate any difficulties or objections that might arise, and to save the trouble of calling a Council thereon ; the President should be impowered to settle and adjust all matters with Mr Davis, according to his best discrtion for the good of the Society, so as to complete the bargain. And the Council at the same time desired that the President would be pleased to treat with Mr Davis concerning the purchase of the Plates, if he was disposed to take them.
Mr Gill produced the Bills of eleven Workmen for work done at the Society's house amounting to the Sum of £163.16.5 1/4, exclusive of the Sum of two guinea's to be paid for measuring : and with all said, that he had not had them in his hands long enough yet to be able thoroughkly to examine and adjust the assessment of them ; but would not fail doing the best in his power for the service of the Society as soon as possible.
Whereupon , to save the trouble of calling another Council, it was Ordered that Mr Gill have full power to tax and rate the several articles, that the Workmen may be paid before Christmas. It was agreed also by Ballot, and Ordered, that the said eleven Bills shall be paid according to the rates assest by Mr Gill.
It being represented, that some Authors who communicate Papers do desire them to be returned bck again, after they are read ; and there is no general Order to direct whether such should be copied or not. It was Ordered, that it should be left to the discretion of the President and the Secretary whether such Papers should be copied for the Guard - Book.
Mr Hauksbee was ordered to writ to all such persons as are more than three years in arrear. It was moved and recommended as a good Precept, that the Certificates for Candidates, if natives, ought to signify that the Candidate is personally known to the several Subscribers. And the President was desired to recommend it to the Society, that Members would refrain from solliciting hands to a Certificate, when the Condidate is not personally known to them. |