Description | At a Council present The President Mr West; Mr Wollaston; Mr Gill; Mr Jacobsen; Dr Jurin; Lord Abercorne; Mr Jones; Mr George Graham; Mr Mitchell; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin.
Mr Hopson the Society's Tenant in Coleman Street came with a complaint concerning Some Articles, charged by Mr Gwyn the CArpenter, to his Accompt in the repairs of his House; which he apprehended ought to be have been placed , according to Stipulation, to the Account of the Society ; and with an appeal to the Council to interpose between him and their Workman Mr Gwyn in Order to adjust Some differences that Subsisted between them. But Mr Gwyn being called in, and the Case bing heard, it was the opinion of the Council, that the affair did not properly come before them.
The Treasurer delivered in the Seveal Bills of the Charges accruing upon the repairs lately made of the Societies Farm at Acton, which being lokked over, and agreed to by Ballot, were Ordered to be paid as follows. Viz. The Glaziers Bill ---£0.10.3 for Timber ----------£7.19.5 1/2 for Deals of Thomas Woodward ----£10.11.8 The Smith ----£4.8.8 George Trowlers Bill ---£23.2.9 1/2 The Brick Layers Bill ---£51.9.0 1/2 The Carpenters Bill ---£57.16.0 Total - £155.17.10 1/2
It was put to the Ballot agreed to and Ordered that Each of the Secretaries be paid Sixty pounds for the Current Service of the Yer.
The President informed the Council of the Progress that had been made towards fitting up the Library in the lower Room in pursuance of the Orders of Council.
The Council Ordered Thanks to be recorded to the President, for his Especial favour to the Societey, in Sustaining the charge of this affair, by the continued assistance of his prudent advice in the Conduct and direction of it.
The President was pleased to move that a Gratuity of ten pounds be made to Each of the Secretaries on account of Some Extraordinary trouble that may have Accrued in the Service of the present Year, which being agreed to by Ballot wa Ordered accordingly
Mr Zollmans Salary of Twenty pounds was put to the Ballot and Ordered to be paid.
A Bill of Mr Hauksbee for half a years Salary ---£47.15.6 Mr Theobalds Bill for fire wood ---- £2.11.6 Mr Elliots Bill the Book binder ---£6.17.7 A Bill of Disbursement made by the President ---£3.6.0 In all - £60.13.7 Were put to the Ballot and being agreed to were Ordered to be paid.
The President informed the Council that Sir Hans Sloane Bart had directed the Medal for the Prize of the present year to be given to Mr Trembly and therefore it would be necessary to have the Same taken out of th Strong Box in Order to have his Name and the year Engraved upon it. Which was Ordered Accordingly. The Treasurer Said it would be proper at the Same time to take out the five East India Bonds in Order to receive the Intrest of them, which wa Ordered Accordingly.
It was Moved that Sir John Clarke Bart and also Mr Ouchterlony might have leave to compound for their Contributions according to the TErms formerly allowed, in consideration that they had not been made acquainted with the Expiration of that Licence ; which being put to the Ballot was agreed to.
A Committee of theree Auditors to be joined with the President and one of the Secretaries for Auditing the Treasurers Accompts on the part of the Council, was nominated by the President, and Severally Elected as follows, Lord Charles Cavendish; William Jones Esq and Andrew Mitchell Esq.
The President delilvered in two new Guard Books of Original papers, the first whereof No. 1 was from 29th of October 1741 to the 1st of April 1742 Inclusive The second No 2 was from the 8th of April 1742 to 25 November 1742 Inclusive
The Council returned thanks to the President for the Care he had been pleased to take therein. |