Description | Present at a Council. The President Lord Charles Cavendish; Dr MEad; Mr West; Mr Jones; Mr Jacobsen; Mr Gill; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
The President Shewed the Gold Medal designed as the Prize for the present year, and Said tht as he had now caused Monsieur Trembley's name with the Year Engraven on it, he intended to make a declaration of the Prize to the Society, as Soon as he should take the Chair for the Meeting to Day.
A Note from Dr Desaguliers, containing an account of what Experiments he had made this year for the Entertainment of the Society, being read and considered; It was put to the Ballot agreed to and Ordered, that a present of Ten Guineas be made to Dr Desaguiliers for his Services for the present Year.
Mr Jones reported in the Name of the Auditors of the Treasurers Accompts for the present year, on the part of the Council; That they had met ain a Committee on the 25 Instant at the Presidents house, and mad an Examination of th Said Accompts when itappeared to them that the whole of the Receipts witht eh ballance of the former Year (Exclusive of £500 East India Bonds) amounted to the Summ of £910.16.9 1/4, and the whole of the Payments to the Sum of £793.9.10 3/4 So that there remained in the Treasdurers hands a Ballance of £117.6.10 1/2.
The President Informed the Council that as the deficiency for the Support of the Cronian [Croonian] Lecture, was now made good by the Rents Received from the College of Physicians for their Share of the House; it might therefore be proper to revive that Lecture, and he had thereupon thought fit to appoint Dr Parsons for the Lecturer for the Ensuing Year.
The President shewed the Council a List of members who had deceased Since the 30th of November 1741 when he first was chosen into the Chair ; and Said he thought it would be very proper to have Such a List made out from Year to Year, and an Entry made thereof in the Journal Book before the new List for the Ensuing Year was Printed. Which method was approved and Ordered to be Observed for the future.