Description | Present at a Council The President Lord Charles Cavendish; Mr Richard Graham; Mr Jones; Mr Wray; Mr Wesdt; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
The President recommended it to the consideration of the Council, whether it would not, according to the present way of living, be more agreeable to the Members to have the Summons for the Anniversary Meeting one holur later than it used to be, and change it from the hour of Nine to that of Ten in the norning, Since, as he Observed, that hour is found by Experience to be early enought to complete the business of the Society in time, and since it is found that the Members have not for many years past, Scarce ever, convened together Sooner notwithstanding the Summons.
Which proposal being Approved of and agreed to, it was Ordered that the Summons for the Anniversary Meeting on St Andrews Day, Shall hence forward be issued out for the hour of Ten in the Morning ; and that directions be given pursuant to this Order for the next approaching meeting that is to be on the 30th of this Instant.
It was Ordered That the Solicitor shold be directed to put the Bonds in Suit against all Members who are at this time above three yeears in Arrears.
It was Ordered That the Sum of Sixty pounds be paid to Each of the Two Secretqrys for their Services of the present present year, as an Allowance usually made and agreed to by Ballot.
The President wa also pleased to put a Question whether an additional Allowance of Ten Guineas Should be made to Each of the Secretaries for their Services of the present year as was done in the last, which being put to the ballot was agreed to and Ordered Accordingly.
It was Ordered that the Sum of Twenty pounds be paid to Mr Zollman for his Salary of the present year.
Mr Hauksbee's bill Amounting to the Sum of Sixty pounds four Shillings and ten pence, was agreed to by the Ballot and Ordered to be paid.
Several Bills amounting in all to the Sum of £119.17.2 1/4 were agreed to by Ballot and Ordered to be paid; That is to Say A bill of Expences disbursed by the President ---£4.11.9 Bills for Work done in the House by the Carpenter ---£78.1.4 3/4 Bricklayer -- £1.7.7 Wire Worker --- £14.14.1 1/2 Plaisterer ---- £4.12.2 1/2 Mason --- £6.2.2 Smith --- £1.16.2 1/2 The Furness bill for matting ---£0.13.0 A bill of Mr Gouge for Inscribing a benefaction in old Letters --- £0.10.6 Mr Elliotts bill for Book binding ---£0.17.0 Another Book binders Bill ---£6.11.3 In all as before --£119.17.2 1/4
The President Nominated Lord Charles Cavendish, William Jones Esq, and Richard Graham Esq, for three Auditors to bre joined with himseil and one of the Secretaries, to Audit the Treasurers Accompts of the Present Year on the part of the Council ; who being Severally put to the Ballot were Elected accordingly.
Five East India Bonds of £100 Each, were taken out of the Strong Box, and delivered to the Treasurer, in order to receive the Interest thereon.
The President informed the Council That it was the direction of Sir Hans Sloane Bart. that Sir Godfrey Copley's prize for the present year Should be given to Mr Baker for his Experiments on the Christallizations and Configurations of Saline particles ; And therefore it would be necessary to give Orders in time to have the Name and year Engraved on a Gold Medal for that purpose.
And accordingly one of the Medals was taken out of the Strong Box, and delivered into the Presidents hands, that the proper directions might be given about it.
It was Ordered that the Soclicitor nbe desired to return back thre Copy of the deeds for the fee farm Rents at Lewis in Sussex, tht the Same may be reposited in the Societys own Custody, Since He has not yet been able to find out the Original.
Mr Jones Informed the Council that upon looking over the Papers of the late Dr Halley that were put into his hands by his Executors, he found Some Original papers that had been read at the meetings of the Royal Society and had been printed int he Transactions, and which he now produced and delivered that they might be put up in their proper places, and withal delivered in a Catalogue of the Numbers of the Transactins and of the Articles wherein they are to be found published. He also delivered a Manuscript Book which he found among the Same papers and which belongs to the Society being intitled Dominice Bottoni Leontini (olim Neapolitani gymnasij primarij Philosophia Lectoris, nunc messanae regij Nosocomij Archiatri, e Societale Londinensi,) de immani Trinacriae Terrae motu Idea historico-Physica. The thanks of the Council were returned to Mr Jones for his Care herein.
A new Padlock was put upon the Strong Box and the key given to Mr Machin as one of the Secretaries.
It having been Observed that there was a want of Chairs and other furniture in the Library below Stairs it was Ordered that Such proper furniture should be procured, as Shall appear necessary and convenient, and that Such directions Shall be followed therein as the President Shall think fit to give.