Description | Present at a Council The President Lord Charles Cavendish; William Jones Esq; Mr William Watson; Mr George Graham; Westby Gill Esq; Samuel Mead Esq; Nicholas Manning Esq; Samuel Clarke Esq; Henry Kelsall Esq; Taylor White Esq; James West Esq; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
Mr George Graham ; and Samuel Clarke Esq not having yet taken the Oath ; were Sworn of the Council.
The President imparted the contents of a Letter he had received from Mr Sparke, dated from Winchester Street February 28 1744; accompanied with the Copy of a Letter Sent to Dr Mortimer dated December 27th 1744 relating to Some objections against the Certainty and Exactness of the late Examination of th Standard weights and measures in the Royal Society, with the Original ones in the Exchequer and other places ; and complaining of the undue Suppression of his communications ; At the Same time the President produced the Draught of a Letter which he judged might be proper to be Sent ini answer to it.
Which matter being taken into consideration ; And the Draught read, The Same was agreed to.
The President acquainted the Council that Mr Cheselden had paid up the Arrears of his contributions, and had taken up his Bond, but desired that his Name might hereafter be left out of the List ; which was accordingly Ordered.
He likewise informed them that Dr Schamberg had made up his Payments to £25 and had also paid up his Arrears due from the Time Since an Order for allowing the Composition was Expired ; desiring he might have liberty to take up his Bond ; which wa granted.
He also informed them of a request from Mr Campbell, that he might be granted the benefit of the composition, and have Liberty to take up his Bond upon making up his payments to £25, which was also granted.
The State of the Debts now due for Arrears being taken into consideration It was Ordered that the directions heretofore given to the Solicitor, do remain Still in force.
The following Bills being laid before the Council were agreed to by Ballot and ordered to be paid. Mr Hauksbee's Salary for half a year due April 11, 1745 ---- £25.00.00 Mr Theobald's bill for fire Wood ---£7.17.6 The Printers bill from April to December 1744 ---£7.00.0 Dr Mortimers bill of Expences for Copying papers ---£1.07.0 Total £41.4.6
A complaint being made that the Windows Shutters in the Meeting Room were not Sufficiently Close to keep the wind out ; it was Ordered that care should be forthwith taken to remedy that inconvenience.
It being represented that there were many duplicates of Books in the lower Library altogether unnecessary to be kept ; it was Ordered that the Same be disposed off to purchase others in their room ; And the Council desired that the President would be pleased to give Such directions therein, as He Should judge would be of most Service to the Society. |