Description | Present at a ouncil The President Lord Charles Cavendish; Richard Graham Esq; William Jones Esq; Mr John Ward; Nicholas Mann Esq; MR Henry Baker; Dr Mortimer.
The minutes of teh last Council on the 11th of November were read.
Mr Mann, (in the Nname of the Auditors of the Treasurer's accomnpts on the art of the Council ; made their report, That, on an Audit held at the Presidents house on the 22d Instant, the State of the Accompt apppeared to be as follows The Sum total of the Receipts amounted to £405.18.9 3/4 The total of the payments ---£414.15.1 3/4 And the Ballances in the Treasurers hands due to the Society ---£71.3.8
An Order was made, tht the last Rent received, on the foundation of the Croonian Lecture being £6.19.3 Should be paid to Dr Parsons for his care in keeping up those Lectures. |