Description | Present; The President [Sir Hans Sloane]; Lord Cadogan; Mr Gale; Mr Hadley; Mr Bevan; Lord Paisley; Mr Georges; Mr Eams; Dr Teissier; Mr Sloane; Mr Andrews; Mr Theobald; Dr Rutty; Mr Machin
' The Chevalier Ramsay, Dr Paul Antonio Rolli and Dr Jacob de Castro Sarmento were Severally put to the Ballot, whereof the two first viz. The Chevalier Ramsay and Dr Rolli were approved.
Mr Eames took the Oath as Member of the Council.
Dr Rutty reported that Dr William Barrowby being unwilling to continue as Member of the Society had desired him to inform the present Council that he was ready to pay the Arrears which are due upon condition he may have liberty to withdraw his bond. Whereupon it was Ordered That Mr Hauksbee wait upon Dr Barrowby with his Bond in Order to receive the Arrears.
Mr Hauksbee delivered in a Bill amounting to £83..10..7 Including one Year and a halfs Salary due October 11th 1729 and amounting to £75 ..00..00 with Several petty Charges and Expences in the Service of the Society Amounting to £8..10..7 which being put to the Ballot and approved.
Ordered that the Said Bill of £83..10..7 be paid.
Mr Hauksbee delivered in a Bill of £33..19..0 for Charge in Copying Original Letters from the year 1712 to the year 1727 with 380 pages in other papers relating to the Inoculation, which being approved by Ballot.
Ordered That the Said Bill of £33..19..00 be also paid.
Dr Rutty delivered in a Bill amounting to £23..7..0 being charges of Copying Journals and duplicats by Dr Stack and for Translating which being allowed by Ballot.
Ordered That Dr Stacks Billl of £23..7..0 be also paid.
A Motion being made that it would be of Service to keep a fair Leidger of the Accounts of the Society that the State of the Income and Expence may appear upon demand either in the whole or on any head required the Same being considered was refered to the Treasurer and Mr Theobald.
Mr Hauksbee delivered in Lists of the Members in Arrears drawn up according to the Orders of the last Council, Each List being under the title of that member by whose recommendation the persons in that List were introduced. Whereupon, Mr Hauksbee was ordered to distribute the Several Lists to the Several Members according to their Titles, and to acquaint them that it would be of Service to the Society to put their friends in mind (as Occasion might offer) of the Arrears which are due from them.
Ordered that the Gentlemen of the Committee for inspecting the Libraries and repository be desired to continue in the Work which they have so Successfully begun, and that for the future they be impowered to appoint their Times of meeting according as it shall Seem most convenient for themselves. ' |