Description | Present: The President; The Earl of Macclesfield; Mr Eames; Mr Theobalds; Mr Gale; Dr Stuart; Mr Hadley; Mr Jones; Colonel Carpenter; Mr Rand; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' The Earl of Macclesfield was Sworn of the Council.
Mr Hauksbee informed the Council that the Sollicitor of the Plaintif int he late Cause against Mr Mallory the Societies Tenant in Crane Court, was waiting without and desired to be heard in a petition he had to make.
Who being called in represented that hardship of his Clients Case, That he Sometime Since had obtained a Judgement agains t Mr Mallory upon a clear Debt (incurred with particular circumstances of grievance) for the Sum of £100. That whilst Judgment was passing in Execution upon the Goods, The Society had by Demand on the Sherriff attached in his hands the Sum of £24 for Rent . Which attachment he Observed if it be insisted on well leave but little in Satisfaction of his Clients Debt; for the whole Value of the Goods amounted to no more than £43 - which is but £19 over and above the Rent, to be left for the Debt of £100.
But he informed the Council tht if they were disposed to be So favourable, they had a means of procuring a remedy another way without adding to the hardship which hsi Client must Suffer. For the Goods had lately been replevined for their Value by a friend of Mr Mallorys, and they were all Still remaining in the House; So that the Society might obtain Satisfaction for their Rent, by making a distress upon the Goods, wherefore he hoped they would not contribute to the increase of his Clients Loss by insisting on the Attachment.
Which Matter being taken into Consideration Lord Macclesfield Observed that it would be an Injury to the person who laid down the Money to distrein for the Goods. And unsafe to the Society to relinquish a certain Satisfaction for an uncertain one which may perhaps embroil the Society in a Law Suit, Since it is probable That an Assignment has been made of the Goods to the person whi replevined them. And That the hardships arises not from the Societys proceedings, but from the Circumstances.
Wherefore it was unanimously agreed to reject the petition and to insist on the Attachment.
The consideration of the Arrears was resumed in pursuance of the Resolution on the 14th of December.
Mr Gale made a report that Sir William Billers had discharged his Arrears Since he Spoke to him.
Mr Jones made the Same report with request to Sir John Fortescue Aland.
Colonel Carpenter made a report that he had not yet had an opportunity of Speaking to Sir Wilfrid Lawson but that he did not in the least question his payment of the Arrear, as soon as he Shall be Spoke to.
A Letter to Dr Desaguilliersd from Mr Beighton was read wherein he desires further time for payment of his Arrears and Speaks of Some matters he is preparing to communicate to the Society. Whereupon it was Ordered That Mr Beighton be respited from payment to Midsomer next, and that any Valuable communications Shall be considered by the Society and accepted in part of Payment accordingly as they Shall prove.
A motion was made in favour of Mr Des Maizeaux to Excuse him from Payments upon account of his Services and performances in Translations of Works and Presents.
The Question being put Whether Mr Des Maizeaux Shall be Excused from Payments of his Arrears and Contributions and have liberty to take up his Bond it passt in the affirmative.
A List of Experiments made by Dr Desaguilliers for the Service of the Society between November 30th 1729 and November 30th 1730 was read.
Ordered That the Treasurer pay to Dr Desaguilliers the Sum of Thirty pounds for his Service the present Year.
Mr Hauksbee delivered a List of Such Members who have paid off their Arrears upon the Receipt of the Letter of Notice on the 14th December last. Who were Sir Jjohn Meres; Mr Edmund Stone; Charles Taylor Esq; Samuel Tuggnell Esq; John Churchill Wicksted Esq.
He also delivered a List of Such who have not yet complied according to the Said Letter which was read over.
Among which Thomas Bacon Esq and John Knight Esq were respited being Parliament men, Kingsmill Eyre Esq and Dr John Hollings, they having promised to pay.
West Fenton Esq and Dr Samuel Harris by reason it was not certain the Said Letter had been rightly directed to them.
Others were respited for a further time by reason of their distance from London.
A Question was put whether More than Two shall be prosecuted at first, or not more than Two, which passet in the Negative Viz That not more thatn Two Shall be prosecuted at first.
Resolved That the prosecution Shall be first begun upon those who have undoubtedly received the Letter of December 14th and who have had an oppertunity of returning an Answer to it and whose refusal of Answering cannot be accounted for unless it proceeds from a design to Stand a Tryal with the Society.
An Order was made to Send Sir Thomas Dereham a present of the Translation from Number 406 as also Mr De Moivres Book intitled Mescellanea Analitica. Mr Stirlings Book intitled Methodus Differentialis and Sir Isaac Newtons Treatise de Systemate Mundi in Latin, in return for the many presents of his to the Society. ' |