Description | Present: The President; Martin Folkes Esq; Colonel Carpenter; Mr Eames; John Hadley Esq; Mr West; Mr Rand; Mr Jones; Mr Graham; Dr Stuart; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' A letter form Dr Stubbs was read wherein he offers to give a Note of his hand payable at Midsummer Next for £20 - in part of his Arrears and to make up the remainder afterwards as Soon as it Should best Suit with his conveniency.
The Question being put whether this offer Shall be Accepted or Not it passet in the Affirmative.
A letter from Owen Brigstock Esq was read wherein he Signifies his intention of Settling account as Soon as he Arrives in Town which he designs to do Some Time Next Month.
The Solicitor was Ordered to Write once more to Mr Venables and Mr Tempest concerning their Arrears and to Send to each of them a printed Copy of the Resolutions on the 3rd of February 1729 with an Offer of the Terms proposed although the Time has elapsed. But to Assure them that upon non compliance The Bonds are forthwith to be put in Suit.
Mr Hauksbee was ordered to prepare against the next Council a compleat List of the Members with a large Margin, in the Manner of the Anniversary List for Election, and to make Such Notes against every Name, as many Express the State and condition of the Member as to Contribution. Whether under contribution or discharged, and if under contribution whether in Arrear or not; and if discharged whether by Composition or Exemption.
Upon a Motion of the President the Secretaries were ordered to Serch the Council Books and find out upon what Account the Names of Dr Richard Robinson and Anthony Hammond Esq formerly Members of this Society were first left out of the Lists, and to report the Same to the Next Council.
The Solicitor was Ordered to wait upon the Lord Abergavenny, and to make a demand of the Rent Due.
Mr Davis an Attorney at his own request was called in and Spoke as in behalf of Mr Mallory the Society's Tennant, that whereas it had been agreed to Allow the Said Tennant the Sum of £18 for the repairs which he had made upon the House, he therefore moved that the Said Sum might be deducted out of the Attachment for the Rent.Whereupon Mr Davis was informed That the Said Sum of £18 Should be allowed to Mr Mallory, as soon as it appeared by a Survey that So much had actually been laid ouit in Necessary Repairs. after which he withdrew.
Mr Mallory came afterwards to the Council and informed them, That Mr Davis had made this Motion, Not at his request or as he pretended in his favour, but on the part of his Adversary. And That if the Society think fit to grant the Said Allowance to be made out of the Attachment, it will be so much in their own Wrong in quiting the Security in their hands for the growing Rent.
Whereupon Mr Hauksbee was Ordered to Acquaint Mr Davis that the Council thought fit to insist upon the Attachment without any abatement.
Mr Hauksbee acquainted the Council That one Mr Johnson who has for Some Years been employed in Copying Papers belonging to the Society, has for Some Time past had a parcel in his hands, which he cannot by any means procure back from him Notwithstanding many Messages and Threats. And he apprehends tht he may have made a Pawn of these Papers for Money to Supply his Necessities, being a Person in Needy circumstances.
Whereupon the Solicitor was Ordered to prosecute the Said Johnson in thre Name of the Society for the Books and Papers put into his hands. ' |