Description | ' Since our former Report, we have proceeded to Enquire into the State of the Several bodies contained in the Repository, in the Same manner in which we began: and have now finished our first Examination. We find the Whole in a Very bad condition, many of the Bodies being quite missing, and most of those which remain much decayed as to deserve no regard. The Instruments and Models of Engins are generally So broken to peices,that few of them are worth preserving.
We have taken care to preserve Such Natural bodies, and Instruments as we find in any tolerable condition, and to make provision for such as may hereafter be given to the Society. We have had the Repository Supported and new flored, lined with deal and painted. We have caused Several Cases to be made with Glass Doors, that the Several Bodies contained in them may be Seen, without being handled; the want of which caution we apprehend has been in a great measure the Occation of the ill State of the Repository. We have employed Skilfull persons to clean Such as we thought deserved that care and were in a condition to be preserved by it: as Shells, Skleletons, and bones of Animals Corals and Coralloides, Keratophyta, Star Stones and Brain Stones.
We have affixed Numbers to Such Bodies, as we have examined, which being compared with out Minutes, may lead more readily to the knowledge of them: and to Such as were unknown we have added a mark expressing a doubt.
To the end, That the Repository may be kept in a better condition for the Future,we apprehend that it will be necessary that Such parts of Animals, as are capable of it, Should be varnished, That Draughts Should be taken in Miniature of Such Animals, either at present or hereafter in the Repository, as are either ill or not at all described, that the Petrified Woods Should be pollished in a proper manner, and Draughts and Descriptions taken of the Modells.
We propose that Some proper persons be desired to inspect the Journal Books of the Society, and extract a Catalogue of Such things as have hitherto been given.
We are of Opinion that it will be necessary to refer each division of the Repository to Someoneperson, who may be desired to put the Same into a just Order, and Make a Catalogue of the Bodies contained in it.' |