Description | Pesent: The President; Lord Paisley; Mr Collinson; Mr Gale; Dr Mortimer; Sir Richard Manningham; Dr Campbell; Mr Paul; Me Sloane; Mr Folkes; Dr Teissier; Mr Machin
' Mr Sloane, Dr Teissier and Sir Richard Manningham were Severally Sworn of the Council.
The President Spoke of an Estate of a good Title near fullham which is now to be Sold at 27 years purchase, and which being near the Town would be a proper purchase for the Society, if so small a part of it could be procured as is Sufficient to Supply the Societies Occations. The President had Thanks for this information and was desired to Oblige the Society with a further Enquiry into it.
The President said Mr Brigstoke had Ordered the payment of Ten Guineas in discharge of his Arrears, according to the directions of the last Council. And Mr Hauksbee was accordingly directed how to receive the Same.
Mr Sloane took Notice that many debts due to the Society from the Members who are Dead, may in all probability be recovered from their Executors if due Application were made, and therefore he proposed That this matter might be taken into consideration Whereupon it Was Ordered That a Committee be appointed to inspect the Bonds of Members who are deceased in Ordere to recover the Arrears from Their Executors, And That Mr Sloane, Mr Folkes, Mr Gale, and the two Secretaries be appointed of the Committee.
Mr Theobalds bill for firewood from January 28 1730 to October 29 1731 amounting to £4..15..0d was allowed and Ordered to be paid.
Dr Teissier informed the Council That he had Received from Count Kinski five Guineas as a present from the Duke of Lorain to the Housekeeper, for his trouble in Attending on Expereiments tried before their Royal Highnesses.
The President also Said That Twenty Guineas were left by the Duke of Lorain as a present to the two Operators Dr Frobenius and Mr Grey, and the President Ordered the distribution of the Same.
The affair of the Daily Post being taken into consideration It was Ordered That a Committee be appointed to draw up an Advertisement to be published in the Gazette for a reward of £50 to be offered to any Person who can discover any Member of the Society who is concerned in communicating the Account of the Society's proceedings printed from Time to Time in the Daily Post. And That Lord Paisley, Mr Gale, Mr Folkes and the Secretaries be appointed of the Committee.
The President offered it as his Opinion that it might prove of great Advantage to the Society, if the Several Members were distributed into Classes according to the Several Branches of knowledge in Which they were most Eminent, and to form Committees to Set at Stated Times to consider of their respective Subjects. The consideration of which was refered to another Opertunity.
Two Policies of Insurance made at the Hand in Hand Fire Office, for insuring the two homes in Crane Court from Fire for Seaven Years commencing the 27th October 1731 and to End 27th October 1738 One for the Value of £800, the other for £300 were delivered into the Custody of the Treasurer. '