Description | Present: The President; Mr Paul; Mr West; Dr Teissier; Dr Mortimer
' The Minutes of the last Council were read.
Mr West reported, that he had agreed to Mr Pannets Farm near Acton; it being leased out for twenty one yeaers at sixty five pounds per Annum, and having a Quit-rent of one pound four Shillings payable yearly by the Duke of Kingston, amounting in all to the Sum of sixty six pounds four Shilling per Annum dor the Sum of sixteen hundred pounds ; and that the Owner Mr Pannet is to lay out thirty pounds on repairs, otherwise thirty pounds to be deducted out of the purchase money : which appearing to the Council to be a very desireable and advantageous purchase for the Society, was approved of by the Council. Whereupon Mr West had thanks given him for the great trouble and extraordinary care he had taken.
It was ordered, that the Treasurer should be desired to sell all the South-Sea Bonds, and therewith pay the purchase of this Estate, being sixteen hundred pounds.
Ordered, that the Treasurer be desired to pay to Mr Horsman a suitable Fee for his advice and trouble : and to defray the other necessary expences attending the aforesaid purchase : and to allow Mr Southgate one per Cent for his trouble.
Ordered, that Doctor Mortimer do acquaint Mr Southgate, that the Council of the Royal Society have approved of the Agreement made by Mr West with Mr Pannet for his Estate near Acton : and that they are ready to pay the purchase money, as soon as Mr Horseman hath approved of the Title, and prepared Suitable conveyances : and farther to inform Mr Southgate, that they have ordered him one per Cent for his trouble, when the purchase shall be finished.
Mr Hauksbee informed the Council, that he had received the Copper Plates of Dr Grew's books (being [blank] in numbers) from Mr Ramsay, who took twenty five pounds for them.
A Bill for £5..2..0 was delivered in from one Henry Nickles, for the leathern Buckets belinging to the Fire-Engine : which was referred back to the Gentlemen, who had the care of buying the said Engine. ' |