Description | Present: The President; Lord Paisley; Mr Sloane; Mr West; Mr Gale; Mr Paul; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' The Treasurer reported, that (pursuant to the opinion of the Gentlemen met in the last designed Council on the 5th of September) he had disposed of the Society's Sounth-Sea Stocks and Annuities entered in his name. The Council approved of the Transaction, and returned thanks to the Treasurer for the care he had taken therein.
The Treasurer at the same time delivered the Deeds of Conveyance of Mr Pannet's Estate near Acton. And Dr Mortimer delivered the purchase Deeds for the same : which were both reposited in the Iron-Chest.
The Treasurer further acquainted the Council, that he had laid out thirteen South - Sea Bonds of one hundred pounds each, to make the purchase: and had brought with him four fifty pound Bonds, which, with the fifty pounds paid off by the Company, would make up the value of the fifteen hundred pound Bonds taken out of the Chest on the 5th of September. Wherefore he desired that the said four fifty pound Bonds, numbered 4220, 4451, 4452, 4912, might be put up into the Chest: which was accordingly done, and his Note for the fifteen Bonds was thereupon delivered up to him.
Lord Paisley, Mr West and Mr Sloane were severally put to the Ballot, and elected Auditors in a Committee with the President and one of the Secretaries, for auditing the Treasurer's Accompts of the present year on the part of the Council.
Mr Theobald's Bill for two dozain of the best fire Buckets, and for painting, and for a Rail and Pins, amounting to £..2..0 was agreed to by Ballot , and ordered to be paid.
Mr Hauksbee's bill for an half year's Salary due October 11, 1732, and for copying Papers, amounting to £41..16..7 was agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
A Gratuity of sixty pounds to each Secretary for the last year's Service, being proposed, and put to the Ballot, passed in the affirmative, and was ordered to be paid.
An allowance of twenty pounds to Mr Zollman for his last year's Service was agreed to by Ballot, and ordred to be paid.
Dr Stack's bill of twenty one pounds for copying was also agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
Three Volumns of Duplicates were delivered to the President, to wit 15 and 16 of Letters, and Volumn 14 of the Journal Books : for whjich he gave his Receipt, which was put up into the Chest.
Doctor Mortimer took notice, that some Cuts in the Register Books, which require a Skill in drawing, being wanted, he had thereupon discoursed with Mr Catesby, to know at what prices he would be willing to perform that work, and had accordingly procured from him some Specimens of the different Sorts with the rates he demanded : which being laid before the Council, it was at length - Resolved, that Mr Catesby should have the offer to be employed in this business, on condition he would submit to such rates as on examination should appear reasonable.
Mr Hauksbee delivered in his Rent - Roll of the Society's Estate, as follows : A feefarm rent at Lewis in Sussex let to Lord Abergavenny at (per annum) ..... £24.00.00 An Estate in Lincolnshire now let to William Marshall Esq at ..... £27.00.00 A small house in Crane Court let at £24.00.00 A large house in Coleman Street let to Mr Thomas Pestill at ..... ££60.00.00 A lesser house in Coleman Street let to Thomas Saville Esq ..... £37.10.00 A farmn at Acton (lately bought) in the County of Middlesex, let tot Roger Life on a lease for fifteen years at - ..... £65.00.00 with a quit Rent from the Duke of Kingston ..... £1.00.00 And a quit-rent from Mr Brooks ..... £00.4.00 Making up £66.4.00 And in all amounting to £238 14.00 per annum
Ordered, that Mr Frewin,, our Sollicitor, proceed against Mr John Mallary in such manner as shall be thought proper for recovery of his arrears of Rent due to the Society. '