Description | Present: The President; Mr Gale; Mr West; Mr G Graham; Mr Theobald; Mr Rand; Mr Eames; Mr Andrews; Lord Carpenter; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' Mr Andrews, Mr EAmes and Mr Rand were sworn of the Council.
Mr Hauksbee made a Report of the several answers from the defaulters in payment concerning their arrears.
Ordered that Mr Hauksbee make out a List of all the Contributors, who are above two years in arrear, to be laid before the next Council.
Mr Treasurer made a Report, that the workmen, who had viewed Mr Savile's house, were of opinion, that the necessary repairs would amount to about thirty pounds. And the Treasurer, Mr Theobald, and Mr West were desired to view the said house, and make a Report at the next Council.
Doctor Stack delivered in an account of the titles of some Papers not yet entered in the Register Books : and the same were ordered to be copied. He shewed also the form of an Index to the Register Books, which was approved : and he was desired to proceed therein. And it was resolved that the Index, when finished, shall be printed for the use of the Member.
The President took occasion to speak of the present State of Chelsea - Garden, and of the great charges and expences, which will in all probability arise in completing the works now carrying on by the Apothecary's Company for the improvement of it : viz. in building a new Green-house and Stoves, and in making new fences round about it : And said, that as the College of Physicians had already thought fit to contribute something towards this usefull work, he thought it might not be amiss for the Society, who have so near an Interest in the support of it, to follow so worthy an example.
Wherefore the question was put by Ballot, whether the Society shall make a donation of one hundred pounds to the Apothecaries Company towards their assistance in carrying on the present works in the Chelsea Garden : Which passed in the Affirmative. ' |