Description | Present: The President; Mr Graham; Mr West; Mr Theobald; Dr Mortimer; Mr Machin
' One of the Secretaries desired leave for Doctor Stack to have the use of one of the Closets to consult the several Books of the Society, in order to complete the general Index : which was accordingly granted.
Dr Mortimer made a Report, that he had read over, and made an abridgement to be laid before the Society of Dr Short's natural History of the mineral waters of Scarborough etc : and finding it to contain many curious and usefull Observations and Experiments, he judged the same worthy to be recommended to the Council for an Imprimatur.
An Imprimature was accordingly ordered in the following words: " At a meeting of the Council of the Royal Society, September 17th 1733 Ordered that Doctor Thomas Short be desired to print his natural History of the mineral Waters of Scarborough etc. Hans Sloane P.R.S. "
Mr Coningsby Surgeon, formerly Tenant to the Royal Society in Crane Court, being called in, represented that he, having met with great misfortunes, was reduced to the necessity of coming to a Composition with his Creditors : and that they having all, except the Society, agreed to a composition of ten Shillings in the pound ; he hoped the Society would be so good to him as to accept of the same conditions, and to grant a forbearance of four months to pay it in : in which time he promised to pay the Sum of six pounds instead of the twelve pounds arrears of rent due to them.
Upon which the Council promised to forbear prosecution for four months.
Dr Stack's bill amounting to ..... £16 : 14 : 8 The Printer's bill of ..... £4 : 11 : 8 Mr Theobald's bill for firewood of ..... £4 : 10 : 0 and also Thomas Green's bill for two Gross of Glass Boxes of ..... £3 : 00 : 0 were severally agreed to by Ballot, and ordered to be paid.
The President ordered the gratuity of a Guinea to Mr Jackson for his trouble in cleaning the Mummy. ' |